Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Breast Augmentation to Correct Breast Asymmetry

Breast Augmentation is done using saline or memory gel implants that give a balanced size, shape and form to the breasts. The FDA has approved the use of both implants after studies had proved that they are safe and cause no serious complications.

Innovative Surgery for Attaining Symmetrical Breasts

In almost all cases, the goal is to make the distinctly smaller breast proportionate to the larger one. The breast implant is surgically inserted behind the small breast underneath the muscle (submuscular) rather than immediately underneath the breast tissue (subglandular). This would bring about a more natural, softer breast and provide more coverage over the implant.

Implants are placed through one of four incisions: in the crease under the breast, through the areola (at the border of the colored part around the nipple), through the belly button, or through the armpit.

New surgical techniques followed make breast augmentation safe and simple. The procedure takes approximately 1-2 hours and is ideally performed in a fully accredited on site surgical suite under general anesthesia. Sometimes, local anesthesia with a sedative, also called conscious sedation, can be used. As it is an outpatient procedure, it does not involve lengthy stay in the hospital or clinic.

Find a Reliable Plastic Surgeon

It is important to discuss your concerns with an experienced plastic surgeon and understand how you can personally benefit from breast augmentation. Breast augmentation to correct breast asymmetry is now opted by many women to improve their bust line. However, as in all cosmetic procedures it is important to maintain realistic expectations.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

BodyTite Liposuction for Effective Fat Removal

BodyTite liposuction has revolutionized the field of aesthetic body contouring. The modality used for the procedure is manufactured by Invasix™, known for developing quality medical platforms. Plastic surgeons offer treatment for those looking for a minimally invasive procedure for effective fat removal.

Radiofrequency Assisted Liposuction (RFAL) – A Breakthrough in Technology

BodyTite is the first liposuction device that has made a breakthrough by utilizing radio frequency energy. Its compact bipolar handheld device emulsifies fat and uses multiple cannulas for effortless aspiration of superficial and stubborn fat. BodyTite has superior safety features such as its closed loop skin temperature and impedance monitoring, external electrode contact control and more.

The procedure generally takes up to 2 hours time and can be performed under local anesthesia. Patients remain awake even under sedation. They can return home the same day and resume normal activities in a few days time.

BodyTite liposuction Advantages

• Allows full control of energy delivery
• Uniform treatment
• Minimal pain and discomfort
• Minimal swelling and bruising
• Tightens loose skin up to 40%
• Coagulates blood vessels
• Short downtime
• Signs of surgical intervention remain inconspicuous
• Fast recovery
• No sutures needed
• Almost no risk or complications

Fat prone areas such as the neck, abdomen, male breasts, inner and outer thighs, upper arms, buttocks, hips and love handles can be treated with this modality. BodyTite™ liposuction can eliminate the need for a tummy tuck in some cases.

A Gentle Procedure with Great Results

BodyTite liposuction is gentle on the body, and offers amazing results in terms of effective fat removal. Visible results can be seen in about 8 to 12 weeks time. Those interested in attaining a slim and trim body should schedule an appointment with a board certified plastic surgeon who has sufficient experience in providing liposuction procedures.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Rhinoplasty to Achieve Better Facial Balance

Rhinoplasty or nose reshaping procedure enhances the size and shape of your nose in a way to achieve better facial balance. The procedure is sought after by both men and women, to correct faults in the shape and structure of the nose.

Rhinoplasty – An Easy Way to Treat Nose Deformities

Rhinoplasty procedure may be considered

• to correct a broken nose
• to correct birth defects of the nose
• to clear nasal obstruction
• to alter the tip of the nose
• to correct bumps, indentations
• to correct nasal asymmetry and deviation

During the procedure, the incisions are made inside the nose or under the nasal septum. After the procedure, the nose is taped with steri-strips (slightly stretchy paper tape). These are covered with a molded plastic splint. You will need to keep these tapes and splint for seven days after the surgery. After this, these can be removed. In some cases, it may be necessary to re-tape the nose for some more days.

The ideal candidates for nose surgery are people who are looking for improvement in the way they look. Age may also be a consideration. The candidate should at be least in his/her mid-teens. For girls, this means 14 to 15 years, and for boys, a little older. At this age, the nasal bone has fully developed, and the shape of the nose is stabilized. Each person's nose is sculpted to their specifications and balanced to their facial proportions, so the end result is very individual and natural.

Choose a Reliable Plastic Surgeon

If considering a rhinoplasty surgery, look for the right plastic surgery center and the right surgeon. The right choice of a practice and surgeon will reduce the chance of any problems occurring later, and also ensure a comfortable time during the procedure and the recovery period. As there are many reputable rhinoplasty cosmetic surgery facilities in the US, you will not find it much difficult to select a reliable surgeon. However, it is essential to have an initial consultation with the surgeon to know more about the procedure.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Facial Rejuvenation - Attain Brighter and Youthful Skin

As we age the skin on our face begins to sag, and the muscles begin to lose their tone. Fine lines and wrinkles may appear on our face. The good news is that there are exciting facial rejuvenation treatments now that can help you attain brighter and youthful skin.

Facial rejuvenation procedures are broadly classified into surgical and non-surgical. The main advantage of undergoing these procedures is that the results tend to be natural and long lasting. Both men and women stand to benefit by undergoing the right procedure for their specific skin condition.

Facial Surgery Procedures

Surgical treatment of the face can provide natural, long-term results that enhance your appearance making you look younger and fresher. Some of the surgical procedures that are commonly carried out in cosmetic surgery centers are:

Eye Lift - It is a procedure performed to remove excess skin and fat from the orbital area.
Brow Lift - Brow lift is the ideal procedure to consider if you want to elevate a low or sagging brow.
MACS (Minimal Access Cranial Suspension) Lift – this facelift procedure helps to raise the lower two-thirds of the face with minimal discomfort for the patient.
Rhinoplasty – Nose reshaping procedure enhances the size and shape of your nose in a way that complements your facial structure.

Non-surgical Facial Rejuvenation Procedures

Non-surgical procedures can provide a youthful, rested and natural appearance. Its effects are virtually instantaneous. When compared to surgical procedures, non surgical procedures have little or no recovery or downtime.

Facial/Chemical Peels – Glycolic peels or salicylic peels enhance the skin tone and at the same time reduce wrinkles and hyper pigmentation
Fat Injections -- Injectable Fillers or BOTOX injections - these are an easy solution to achieving a more youthful look without surgery.
Microdermabrasion - It is a skin resurfacing procedure that removes damaged or dead layer of the skin by abrasion.

Apart from providing facial rejuvenation procedures, many cosmetic surgeons even offer new and improved forms of skin care products that are safe and result oriented.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Endoscopic Brow Lift - Corrects Early Signs of Aging

Endoscopic Brow Lift - Corrects Early Signs of Aging and provides you with a much more youthful appearance.

Wrinkles and frown lines are a common sign of aging for men and women. It is essential to take action to correct these before they become visible. Endoscopic brow lift is a revolutionary cosmetic surgery option that corrects early signs of aging. By removing the underlying tissue and tightening the muscles of the forehead, endoscopic brow lift provides you with a much more youthful appearance.

Brow lift corrects drooping brows and improves the horizontal lines and furrows. The procedure involves inserting a surgical telescope through very tiny incisions placed in the hairline to lift the eyebrows. Sometimes, only the lateral brow is lifted, giving a more defined arch to the brow. A brow lift can also treat the vertical lines between the eyebrows, or glabella.

Advantages of Endoscopic Brow Lift

• Minimally invasive procedure
• Surgery is easier
• Recovery is quicker
• Fewer risks and complications
• Less scarring and numbness

The procedure addresses only one area of the face and therefore may have to be done in conjunction with a face lift or eyelid surgery before the desired effect is achieved. Complications are rare and usually minor if the procedure is performed by a qualified plastic surgeon.

Talk to Your Plastic Surgeon

Men or women considering brow lift/forehead lift should discuss with their doctors the impact of the surgery. Choosing a plastic surgeon is a very personal and important decision. You should check their experience in the procedures and maintain realistic expectations regarding the outcome. Careful discussion with the surgeon is extremely vital. During your consultation, the surgeon will discuss your goals for the surgery, explain to you the procedure in detail and ask you about certain medical conditions that could cause problems during or after the procedure.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

BodyTite Skin Tightening in Wilmington

No matter how hard you work out or follow healthy diet programs, you may still find yourself fighting persistent fat deposits in areas such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, knees, buttocks, breasts, arms, flanks, calves, or even jowls. Now Invasix has introduced a new and advanced liposuction device – BodyTite. BodyTite liposuction device brings the latest in minimally invasive technology for effective fat removal, and skin tightening. BodyTite skin tightening procedures are offered in Wilmington by trained and experienced plastic surgeons.

BodyTite - A Radiofrequency Assisted Liposuction Procedure

The modality utilizes powerful radiofrequency energy to disrupt superficial as well as deep fat deposits. It is the first liposuction device to use radiofrequency energy to emulsify fat. When compared to traditional liposuction methods, BodyTite provides 40% more skin tightening. For some patients, liposuction with the BodyTite system will eliminate the need for a tummy tuck.

Safe, Painless, and Desired Results

It generally takes one to two hours to complete the procedure. The procedure time varies, based on the area treated. Only local anesthesia is required for performing the procedure. Patients can return home after the procedure and resume their normal activities in minimal downtime. As it is a minimally invasive procedure, risks or complications are also minimal. The process does not involve much pain or serious complications, which accounts for its popularity.

When you decide to have a BodyTite skin tightening procedure in Wilmington, it is important to find a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon. Prior to having the procedure, it is important to schedule an initial consultation with the surgeon, clearing any doubts you may have regarding the duration of the process, recovery time, after care, and more. Taking into consideration your concerns and goals, plastic surgeons in Wilmington strive to achieve the results you desire. After your procedure, the surgeon will provide detailed instructions on post-surgery care.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Full and Mini Tummy Tucks in Delaware

If dieting and exercise are not giving you the tight abs you desire, then it might be the time to consider a tummy tuck procedure. There are many plastic surgery centers in the US, specialized in providing full and mini tummy tucks. US’s top cities such as Delaware are providing the best available plastic surgery procedures to address the concerns of their patients.

Full and Mini Tummy Tucks to Flatten Your Abs

A tummy tuck will remove extra abdominal skin and flatten bulging abdominal muscles. Even patients who are extremely thin may be candidates for a tummy tuck to remove loose skin and tighten muscles. Mini tummy tuck, also referred to as partial abdominoplasty, is ideal for those people who have excess skin and fat that is limited to the lower abdomen below the navel. When coupled with liposuction, a tummy tuck can provide a more contoured mid section.

Key Points to Consider While Selecting a Plastic Surgeon

When it comes to looking for a plastic surgeon in Delaware, there are many factors to consider when evaluating your options. The factors to consider are:

Location - Make sure the location of the surgeon is close to your home
Clinic type – Check whether the practice is small or big
Appointment – find out if you will be able to get an appointment when you need it Personal/professional referrals - Do a background check on the credentials of the surgeon. Try to get referrals from friends and others in your area, who have already undergone plastic surgery. Based on this, you will be able to select a good surgeon
Years in practice and training – It is also important to check the surgeon’s experience in this field
Quality of staff and facilities - Make sure that the facility is equipped with all the state-of-the-art equipment, and experienced staff to provide you with professional caring and individualized services.

After evaluating all these factors, select a reliable plastic surgeon to carry out the tummy tuck procedure. Before going in for any treatment, it is advisable that you schedule a consultation with your doctor to evaluate your general health and status, discuss the procedure with you in detail and answer any questions that you might have regarding your surgical procedure.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Breast Augmentation Using Breast Implants

Also known as augmentation mammoplasty, breast augmentation is a very popular cosmetic procedure. Women usually choose this procedure to enhance their feminine curves by increasing their breast volume and size. Due to the obvious immediate benefit, majority of women choose to undergo breast augmentation procedures using breast implants.

Breast Implant Options

Saline implants – one of the popular forms of breast implant options. These are filled with sterile salt water and have been used for many years. Until now, many women have undergone breast augmentation using saline implants and have achieved excellent results. It is approved for use by the FDA.

Silicone implants – Also known as Memory Gel implants, silicone implants are the best choice for women with very little breast tissue and subcutaneous fat. These are pre-filled with a fixed amount of a cohesive, gelatin-like substance--the silicone gel.

Saline and silicone gel breast implants each have their own advantages and disadvantages. When compared to saline implants, the new silicone gel implants feel softer.

Where Are the Implants Placed?

In most cases, the implants are placed underneath the muscle (submuscular) rather than immediately underneath the breast tissue (subglandular). The implants will be placed through incisions. The incisions are made in the crease under the breast, through the areola, through the armpit, or through the belly button, depending on the technique and the type of implant used.

The procedure itself takes approximately 1-2 hours to complete. Most surgeons perform the procedure on an outpatient basis, under general anesthesia. Some may administer local anesthesia with sedation. After the procedure, you should expect to go home from your procedure with small, clear adhesive dressings over your incisions and wearing a regular bra.

Prior to the surgery, careful discussion with the plastic surgeon is essential. Discuss all your concerns with the doctor, and let him or her know of your goals and expectations. He will let you know of the potential benefits, the different choices of implants available, incision placement, potential risk factors and recovery period.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Cosmetic Surgery in Chester County, PA

Cosmetic surgery in Chester County, PA can help help improve most physical features or correct a physical imprefection, thereby improving your appearance.

Cosmetic Surgery in Chester County, PAfor Enhanced Beauty

Through various procedures, such as liposuction, rhinoplasty breast augmentation or enhancement, one can achieve their desired aesthetic results.

Look for Professionalism and Minimum Risk

When looking for a cosmetic surgery center, you should approach only a professional, and experienced plastic surgeons, who can ensure realistic and customized results with minimal risk and quick recovery.

Given below are some of the cosmetic surgery procedures offered in Chester County, PA:
  • Breast Enhancement – Breast implants are used to lend fullness to underdeveloped, small breasts. Breast augmentation also helps to restore volume to breasts that have lost volume due to pregnancy or weight loss.

  • Rhinoplasty – Surgery done to the nose to bring it in balance with the rest of the face. Rhinoplasty can also correct obstructed breathing resulting from structural defects of the nose.

  • BodyTite Body Contouring – With the help of RFAL (Radiofrequency Assisted Liposuction) technology engineered by Invasix, excess fat is taken away from different regions of the body such as the abdomen, inner thighs, knees, arms, love handles, and buttocks. The procedure is safe, minimally invasive and gives the surgeon greater control.
  • Tummy Tuck – The tummy tuck gets rid of excess skin and fat in the abdominal area, giving the abdomen a firmer and smoother profile.

  • Brazilian Butt Lift – In this procedure, fat is taken from certain areas of the body. A portion of this fat is introduced into different areas of the buttocks and at varied depths in a purified, concentrated form to increase their volume and thereby give them a sensuous appearance.
Schedule an appointment for cosmetic surgery in Chester County, PA and realize your dreams for a more beautiful you.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Facial Rejuvenation in Wilmington, Delaware

With these advanced techniques, true facial rejuvenation is possible but a lot depends on the professionalism, knowledge and experience of your plastic surgeon.

Our face is our most distinguishing feature and it is important to everyone to keep it attractive and radiant. However, as we age, fine lines and wrinkles may appear on our face. There are several ways to combat aging. Facial rejuvenation is a set of treatment options, that work well to enhance our appearance. It involves both surgical and non surgical options. If you are considering the procedure in Wilmington, Delaware, then make sure to choose a plastic surgeon that inspires confidence and trust.

Ensure that your preferred cosmetic surgery clinic serving Wilmington, Delaware is highly specialized in providing facial rejuvenation procedures.

Some of the Most Popular and Effective Facial Rejuvenation Procedures

Eye Lift: Eyelid procedures are designed for removing excess skin and fat from the orbital area. Through this procedure, excess fat and drooping skin of the upper eyelids can be removed and bags under the lower eyelid can be minimized.

Brow Lift: Brow lift is the ideal procedure to consider if you want to elevate a low or sagging brow.

Rhinoplasty (Nose reshaping): It is performed to enhance the size and shape of your nose in a way that complements your facial structure..

Macs Lift: It is a minimally invasive procedure that dramatically rejuvenates the lower face and neck by lifting underlying tissue in an upward fashion.

Non-surgical procedures like PhotoFacials, Restylane and Juvederm injectable fillers, and BOTOX can be used to give a more youthful, rested and natural appearance. Many of these are not permanent and may require a frequent follow up or repeated treatments to retain their beneficial effects.

With these advanced techniques, true facial rejuvenation is possible but a lot depends on the professionalism, knowledge and experience of your plastic surgeon. So you need to always choose an experienced plastic surgeon to meet your needs. One good way to find a reputable plastic surgeon is to ask friends or relatives who have worked with one and got great results. Online directories are another resource to locate the right plastic surgeon near you.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Facial Plastic Surgery New Castle County, De

Facial plastic surgery in New Castle County, De can help you look younger on the outside so that you feel younger and on the inside.

Facial Plastic Surgery for a Youthful Looking, Happier You

Facial plastic surgery procedures can correct facial imperfections, set right flaws arising from injury, and get rid of many signs of aging.

A Variety of Result-oriented Procedures Offered in New Castle County, De

The following are some of the facial plastic surgery procedures available in New Castle County, De:
  • Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery) – It is a procedure performed to get rid of surplus skin, fat, or muscle in the upper and lower eyelids.
  • Forehead Lift (Brow Lift) – This surgical procedure reduces the creases which form across the forehead or high on the bridge of the nose. The procedure also corrects the position of a drooping or low brow and improves frown lines.
  • Rhytidectomy (Face Lift) – It involves the taking away of surplus skin, improving the positioning of the underlying fat pads, and the tightening of particular facial muscles.
  • Cheek Augmentation – It is a procedure directed at improving the volume, appearance, and height of the cheeks using cheek implants.
  • BodyTite Liposuction – It is a revolutionary, minimally invasive radiofrequency assisted form of liposuction to remove fat from body regions such as neck, chin, but also from the abdomen, male breasts, upper arms, thighs (inner and outer), love handles, and buttocks.
  • MACS (Minimal Access Cranial Suspension) Lift – It is a simple face-lift procedure to raise the lower two-thirds of the face with minimal discomfort for the patient. In this procedure, very little surplus skin need be taken away, injury is less, and the scarring is inconspicuous.
Arrange an Appointment with a competent physician in a Plastic Surgery Center

Make an appointment with a reputable facial plastic surgery center in New Castle County, De to benefit from any of the above result-oriented aesthetic plastic surgery procedures.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Different Facial Rejuvenation Procedures

facial rejuvenation
Facial rejuvenation procedures are a way of achieving a bright and youthful look.

Luckily, with the advancement of research and technology in the field of cosmetic enhancement, there are different facial rejuvenation procedures you can choose from now.

The combined effects of pollution, sun damage and diet are some among the factors that show up on the face. Sagging, droopy eyelids, droopy jowls and sagging skin in the neck are all tell-tale signs of age. To get rid of these problems, facial rejuvenation procedures can be a great option.

Popular Options in Facial Rejuvenation

Facial rejuvenation generally refers to a set of surgical ort non surgical treatments. Surgical treatment oprtions include facelift, brow lift, rhinoplasty, and Macs lift. Facelift can make you look much younger. The procedure involves removing excess skin and tightening facial areas. To remove the puffiness and excess skin around the eye, eyelift is the procedure to consider. Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, is an ideal procedure to provide a more balanced facial appearance. Through this procedure, the size and shape of your nose can be enhanced. The MACS lift, which is similar to a Lifestyle lift, is a minimally invasive procedure that improves the neck, jowl and cheek areas. It can be performed alone or in conjunction with other procedures such as an upper or lower eyelift for enhanced results.

Non-surgical Facial Rejuvenation Options for a Young, Refreshed Look

Those who do not wish to commit to more invasive procedures, non-surgical facial rejuvenation options are available that can remove years from your face. BOTOX Cosmetic®, Restylane®, and Juvèderm™ injectable fillers are some of the treatments available. With less pain and little or no recovery time, these non-surgical options offer visible, immediate and long lasting results.

People well into their 40s and 50s show an increasing interest in facial rejuvenation procedures which help them stay attractive and well-groomed. Once you are happy with what you see in the mirror, your spirits automatically improve, and enable you to perform well in day-to-day life.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Breast Augmentation in Wilmington

Breast augmentation continues to attract women who wish to drastically alter their appearance.

Breast augmentation is a procedure, intended to give women larger and firmer breasts. When considering breast augmentation in Wilmington, Delaware, it is important to have a clear idea of your goals and expectations. It is important to check out the different plastic surgery centers and practicing surgeons available before making a decision.

Why Consider Breast Augmentation

Women mainly opt for this procedure due to several reasons. These include:

  • Small breast size

  • Asymmetrical breasts

  • Correction and/ or reconstruction after breast surgery

Make Your Breasts Larger and Fuller

The procedure is mainly done by surgically inserting breast implants behind each breast. This enhances the bust line, and also give a boost to self-confidence and self esteem. Most popular and commonly used breast implants are saline and silicone gel implants. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The new silicone gel implants or Memory Gel implants, feel softer than saline implants and are best suited for those women who have little breast tissue and subcutaneous fat. Your plastic surgeon will decide with you at your consultation the best option for you.

To provide more coverage over the implant and to create more natural, softer feeling breasts, the implants can be placed underneath the muscle (submuscular) rather than immediately underneath the breast tissue (subglandular). The procedure takes approximately 1-2 hours and can be performed in a fully accredited on site surgical suite under general anesthesia. As it is an outpatient procedure, it usually does not require long stays in hospitals or clinics. Sometimes, local anesthesia with a sedative, also called conscious sedation can be used.

Find a Plastic Surgeon Offering Services in Wilmington

The important step is that you consider all the factors regarding augmentation before going for the procedure. By making an intensive search on the web, you can find all required information regarding a Wilmington based plastic surgeon's schooling, experience, and techniques used. It would be best if you could check out the plastic surgery facility and make sure that it is well-equipped and maintains all safety standards. This will allow you time to talk with your plastic surgeon and make an informed decision.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Breast Augmentation for Fuller, Shapelier Breasts

breast augmentation
Breast augmentation is an ideal procedure to consider, if you want fuller, shapelier breasts.

Women of varying ages and backgrounds have undergone the process. Breast augmentation improves the bust line and increases confidence. Pregnancy, breast feeding, and fluctuations in weight can cause changes in the breast size and shape. At times, breast augmentation can help women achieve fuller breasts with a firmer appearance.

Breast Augmentation Using Implants

More volume is added to the breasts by inserting implants. The two commonly used breast implant options are saline and silicone gel implants. The new silicone gel implants or Memory Gel implants are softer than saline implants. Silicone gel implants are a popular choice for patients with very little breast tissue and subcutaneous fat.

Breast Augmentation – the Procedure

Depending on a number of factors specific to each patient, implants can be placed either under the breast tissue or under the chest muscle. For more natural, softer breasts and to provide more coverage over the implant, the implants are placed underneath the muscle (submuscular) rather than underneath the breast tissue (subglandular). These factors can also determine where the necessary incisions will be made. Breast implants can be placed through one of four incisions: in the crease under the breast, through the areola (at the border of the colored part around the nipple), through the belly button, or through the armpit.

Breast augmentation surgery takes approximately 1-2 hours and can be performed in the doctor’s office as an outpatient procedure. Usually, general anesthesia is administered for this procedure.

Benefit from a More Appealing Breast Contour

Breast augmentation is beneficial in that it provides a more attractive breast contour. Whatever your preference is, plastic surgeons will work closely with you to create the desired size and shape, taking into account your goals and expectations.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Rhinoplasty Cosmetic Surgery Kent County De

Rhinoplasty Cosmetic Surgery for a Proportionate, Good-looking Nose

Rhinoplasty is offered by leading cosmetic surgery centers in Kent County, DE. Rhinoplasty or nose surgery is a procedure to enhance the proportion and look of the nose, to improve facial harmony, and even restore in some instances, self-esteem. If considering getting a rhinoplasty, you should first look for the right plastic surgery center and the right physican. Choose a board certified plastic surgeon with experience, skill, an eye for detail, who is also a considerate and caring individual.

Fix a Number of Nasal Imperfections in Kent County, De

The ideal candidate for nose reshaping should at be least in his/her mid-teens. For girls, this means 14 to 15 years, and for boys, a little older. At this age, the nasal bone has fully developed, and the shape of the nose is stabilized. The following can be altered through
rhinoplasty cosmetic surgery in Kent County, DE, with positive aesthetic improvements achieved:
  • Disproportionate nose size

  • A large, drooping, bulbuous or too upturned nasal tip

  • Nasal deviation and asymmetry

  • Nose contour having visible depressions or humps on the bridge

  • Nose width at the bridge
Though the procedure is the same for both sexes, there are differences between the aesthetics of the male and female nose, which are taken into consideration by a good, dedicated plastic surgeon.

Get in Touch with a Reputable Cosmetic Surgery Center

If you want a better looking, properly sized, and more proportionate nose, contact a reputable rhinoplasty cosmetic surgery facility in Kent County, DE. The right choice of a practice and surgeon will decrease the chances of requiring a revision rhinoplasty procedure later, increase aesthetic result, and ensure a comfortable time during the procedure and the recovery period.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Cosmetic Plastic Surgery in Cecil County, MD

Cosmetic plastic surgery
Cosmetic plastic surgery facilities in Cecil County, MD give patients the safety, comfort and privacy they rightly deserve.

Cosmetic plastic surgery facilities in Cecil County, MD are recognized among various centers in the US for their high standards in medical care and safety. With accreditation from AAAASF, the premier centers have some of the most experienced and board certified plastic surgeons who offer a wide range of cosmetic and reconstructive procedures for men and women.

Innovative Procedures that Promise the Best Results

It is a well-known fact that cosmetic surgery procedures have been improved and perfected with a fast pace in the last few years. Patients in Maryland can benefit from the various procedures offered, as they can give their entire body a makeover which would not only enhance their looks and give a boost to their self confidence. Some of the procedures that are offered include:

  • Facial Rejuvenation – gives a more youthful, rested and natural appearance to the face

  • Breast Enhancement – to increase breast size and enhance breast shape

  • BodyTite Liposuction – to eliminate excess fat and contour the body

  • Non-surgical Treatments and procedures – a great alternative to surgical solutions for youthful looks

  • Ultimate Skin Care – to improve your skin texture and remove pigmentation

Plastic surgeons offer customized treatment options and give personal attention to their patients from the time of their initial consultation until their complete recovery. Customized treatment plans allow physicians to pay attention to every detail, to ensure flawless results.

Safety, Comfort and Privacy

Cosmetic plastic surgery facilities in Cecil County, MD give patients the safety, comfort and privacy they rightly deserve. Specialists here guide patients on their specific needs and help them make informed decisions with realistic expectations. Most of the procedures are provided in an outpatient setting wherein the focus is on minimizing pain and discomfort so that patients have comfortable experience during and after their procedure.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Body Contouring Kent County, DE

Body contouring procedures are offered in Kent County, DE, by thoroughly trained and experienced plastic surgeons.

No matter how physically fit you are, persistent fat deposits often trouble areas like the upper arms, flanks, abdomen, male breasts, hips, buttocks, thighs, or even the knees. These fat deposits often are resistant to strict diet and exercise programs. Body contouring is the ideal option to consider if you seek to improve your overall appearance. Body contouring procedures are offered in Kent County, DE, by thoroughly trained and experienced plastic surgeons.

Popular Body Contouring Procedures Include

  • Breast augmentation
  • Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty
  • Liposuction
  • Brazilian butt lift
  • For effective fat removal and skin tightening results, liposuction is a popular procedure that many people go for. You can choose from laser assisted and ultrasonic liposuction techniques. Liposuction helps redefine the shape and contour of various areas of the body by removing excess fat from troubling areas. Liposuction can at times be performed under local anesthesia, which reduces the risks associated with general anesthesia and the also reduces the recovery period. A tummy tuck followed by liposuction can remove excess fat and also tighten up the underlying muscles and skin.

    The time required to carry out a procedure and the recovery time varies according to the the area treated and the individual patient. The advances in plastic surgery have helped to minimize the risks and complications of many procedures. The most common ones are minor swelling and bruising.

    Approach a Reliable Plastic Surgeon

    When you decide to have a body contouring procedure in Kent County, DE, arrange to have an initial consultation with a surgeon who will be able to answer all your questions and help you make an informed decision. Physicians specializing in body contouring in Kent County, Delaware strive to provide excellent care and great results.

    Friday, August 27, 2010

    Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Delaware

    Aesthetic plastic surgery procedures for the face and body are available to men and women in Delaware.

    Aesthetic Plastic Surgery for the Face and Body in Delaware

    Cosmetic and plastic surgery specialists provide a wide array of procedures. For result oriented excellent outcomes, it is recommended to trust board certified plastic surgeons. An accredited surgical center with an impeccable reputation, that can provide you with reliable before and after photos that you can browse through, should be your golden standard.

    Brief Recovery Times for Many of the Procedures

    Aesthetic plastic surgery procedures are directed at preserving, restoring or improving your natural look, to achieve your aesthetic ideal. The results not only improve your appearance but reinforce or restore your self esteem and confidence. Most aesthetic plastic surgery procedures carried out in Delaware require only short recovery times – there are even weekend recovery procedures. Some examples of cosmetic plastic surgery procedures are breast augmentation, nasal surgery, liposuction, and buttock augmentation.

    Breast augmentation enhances breast size, while retaining the natural look and feel of the breasts. In breast enhancement procedures, silicone or saline implants are used. Nose reshaping is a great procedure to correct or enhance the contour of the nose, altering the shape and size to complement the face. BodyTite liposuction is a revolutionary procedure to remove excess fat from the abdomen and other areas of the body; it usually performed under local anesthesia, has a short recovery period and efficiently tightens the skin around the treated area. The Brazilian butt augmentation procedure converts insignificant and flat buttocks into prominent, youthful, and sensuous ones.

    Reconstructive Surgery also Performed

    Reconstructive plastic surgery procedures are also performed in aesthetic plastic surgery practices in Delaware, to provide patients with excellent options after an accident or other life changing experience.

    To take advantage of aesthetic plastic surgery in Delaware, one just has to schedule an appointment with a reputable provider of these services. Surgeons are always happy to answer all your questions and explain the risks and benefits to help you make an informed choice.

    Wednesday, August 18, 2010

    BodyTite - The Next Generation in Body Contouring

    Now, a new form of liposuction called BodyTite has been introduced which may significantly improve the results of liposuction and revolutionize body contouring as we know it.

    The most commonly performed cosmetic surgical procedure in the
    United States is currently liposuction. Now, a new form of liposuction called BodyTite has been introduced which may significantly improve the results of liposuction and revolutionize body contouring as we know it. BodyTite combines traditional liposuction with Radiofrequency technologies. This combination of liposuction and Radiofrequency, or Radiofrequency Assisted Liposuction (RFAL), results in up to 40% more skin tightening than other methods of liposuction. In addition, this technique also provides approximately a 30% reduction in recovery time compared with other liposuction techniques.

    BodyTite uses Radiofrequency energy to dissolve fat cells and heat the soft tissues and skin. This results in significant body tightening and recontouring. In addition, the Radiofrequency energy delivered by the BodyTite system seals blood vessels as the procedure is performed which decreases the amount of bleeding and bruising as compared to traditional liposuction methods. This results in less pain, less swelling, and a quicker recovery for patients undergoing the BodyTite procedure.

    The BodyTite system can be used on virtually any area of the body to remove excess stubborn fat and also provide significant skin contraction. Due to the excellent skin contraction that occurs with the BodyTite system, the need for excess skin excision can be eliminated in many cases. This results in smaller scars and quicker recoveries as compared to traditional excisional procedures (eg, Tummy Tucks, etc.). In addition, many BodyTite procedures take just 1 -2 hours to complete and can be performed with local anesthesia or sedation.

    The BodyTite system promises to truly revolutionize the field of liposuction and body contouring. As one of the only study sites in the country for this new technology, we are the exclusive and only providers of BodyTite in the
    Wilmington, Delaware area. Contact me today at (302) 656-0214 or to see how BodyTite can help you get the body you've been dreaming about.

    Thursday, August 12, 2010

    Tummy Tuck vs. Liposuction

    The two main types of procedures performed for body contouring are tummy tucks (aka abdominoplasties) and liposuction.

    Many patients that I see are often interested in body contouring but are not sure which procedures might be right for them. The two main types of procedures performed for body contouring are tummy tucks (aka abdominoplasties) and liposuction. Both of these procedures can result in significant improvements in overall body contour but there are some differences between them.

    For the most part, tummy tucks deal primarily with loose excess abdominal skin. In addition, tummy tucks often address abdominal muscular laxity. For patients who have had several pregnancies or lost substantial amounts of weight, there is often excess abdominal skin that cannot be removed by diet and exercise alone. In these cases, a tummy tuck can remove any excess loose abdominal skin, tighten abdominal muscles if needed, and give the abdomen a flatter, tighter, smoother appearance.

    Liposuction, on the other hand, mainly addresses stubborn deposits of excess body fat. These deposits can be almost anywhere on the body (eg, abdomen, arms, thighs, back, hips, etc.) and are resistant to diet and exercise. Liposuction is extremely versatile and can greatly improve overall body contour. While both the tummy tuck and liposuction procedure are excellent procedures by themselves, I will often combine these two techniques to give patients the best overall result.

    An exciting new development in my practice has been the introduction of the BodyTite Radiofrequency liposuction system. By combining liposuction with radiofrequency skin tightening, I am able to treat many patients who have excess loose abdominal skin with the BodyTite system without having to perform a tummy tuck. This results in smaller scars, less pain, and a shorter recovery for our patients.

    If you would like to learn more about body contouring or any of the procedures that I have talked about, please call us at (302) 656-0214 and we would be more than happy to answer any questions that you might have or schedule you for a consultation.

    Wednesday, August 4, 2010

    Benefits of Breast Augmentation

    Breast augmentation is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgical procedures in the United States and it has a very high patient satisfaction rate.

    This is largely because breast augmentation surgery can provide a woman with multiple benefits.

    Breast augmentation can enhance and improve the size and shape of the breasts. This can result in better overall symmetry between the breasts, improved body contour, and a more feminine look. The procedure can also minimize any breast irregularities and asymmetries and provide a more balanced overall appearance to the breasts. Breast augmentation can also restore fullness and volume which the breasts may have lost due to pregnancy, aging, or weight loss.

    Beyond the cosmetic benefits to the procedure, breast augmentation can result in improved self-confidence and self-image. Feelings of inadequacy and lack of self-confidence can occur when the actual appearance of the breasts does not correspond to a woman's desired breast size and shape. Breast augmentation can give the breasts a fuller and larger size and shape and improve overall self-image. This can result in improved overall self-esteem and self-confidence in both professional and social settings.

    In addition to the above benefits, breast augmentation can result in significantly improved clothing options and fashion styles. With improved size and shape of the breasts, clothing may fit and conform better giving an additional confidence boost to the patient. This also results in improved body image and greater self-esteem.

    There are truly many benefits to breast augmentation. If you would like to learn more about the procedure and find out if breast augmentation is right for you, call me at (302) 656-0214 to schedule a consultation today.

    Wednesday, July 28, 2010

    Cosmetic Surgery More Popular Than Ever In The US

    Despite a rough economy, more Americans than ever before are having cosmetic surgery.

    A recent survey conducted by the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (AACS) reported that more than 17 million cosmetic surgery procedures were performed in the United States in 2009. This represents an 8% increase over the number of cosmetic surgery procedures performed in 2008. It is also the largest number ever recorded for cosmetic surgery procedures performed in the United States in a single year.

    According to the survey, there were increases in both invasive as well as non-invasive or minimally invasive procedures. Over the last five years, the biggest increase in surgical procedures was seen with blepharoplasty (eyelid lift), abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), and rhinoplasty (nose). Over the same period, laser-resurfacing, chemical peels, and fillers showed the biggest increase for the non-invasive or minimally invasive procedures category.

    Despite a down economy, more Americans than ever before are having cosmetic surgery procedures. While many people think of tummy tucks or facelifts when they think about cosmetic surgery, the survey demonstrates that more people than ever before are undergoing the non-invasive or minimally invasive procedures such as Botox, fillers, chemical peels, and laser resurfacing. The beauty of these types of procedures is that they are relatively inexpensive, have little to no downtime, and can provide dramatic results.

    If you would like to learn more about any of the cosmetic surgery procedures mentioned or perhaps find out more about the many non-invasive or minimally invasive procedures available to you, contact us today at (302) 656-0214. Make the best investment you can possibly make, an investment in yourself and call us today!

    Thursday, July 22, 2010


    Gynecomastia is a common problem among many men. In fact, 1 out of every 10 men is affected by gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is a medical term derived from the Greek words for “woman-like breasts”. Enlarged breasts on young boys are very common as they reach puberty and adolescence. In some cases these breasts resolve while in other cases, the breasts persist into adulthood. Enlarged breasts on a man can result in social embarrassment and can be detrimental both psychologically and emotionally.

    Fortunately, there are simple yet effective surgical treatments for men with gynecomastia. Breast reduction using liposuction, surgical excision, or a combination of both can give men an excellent chest contour and appearance. At Aesthetic Plastic Surgery of Delaware, I use a minimal incision approach utilizing ultrasound assisted liposuction to remove the breast tissue and contour the chest. This results in a normal appearing chest contour with improved appearance and almost no scarring. Recovery from the procedure is rapid and most men are back to their usual level of activity very quickly.

    Gynecomastia surgery is very simple and straightforward and yet, I find that it is one of the most rewarding procedures that I currently perform in my practice. From the physical standpoint, the appearance and contour of the chest is improved tremendously. Many of my patients tell me that they are finally able to take their shirts off in public without embarrassment or anxiety. There is also an emotional and psychological benefit in that my patients tell me they feel more confident both in and out of clothes. Most of my patients tell me that their self confidence improves and that they feel better about themselves after the surgery. That type of benefit is difficult to put a price on but gives me a great amount of satisfaction on both a professional level (as a physician and surgeon) and also on a personal level as well. If you would like to learn more about this or any of our other surgical and non-surgical procedures, contact me today at (302) 656-0214 to set up a complimentary consultation.

    Wednesday, July 14, 2010

    Breast Reduction - Delaware

    Thousands of women suffer with chronic back, shoulder, and neck pain due to the large size of their breasts. Other problems that can occur with large breasts include shoulder grooving from bra straps, moisture and infection underneath the breasts, and the breasts themselves can be painful and uncomfortable. In addition, it can often be very difficult for these women to find the right bra or fit comfortably into clothing because of their large breast size. For women dealing with these problems, breast reduction surgery can be the solution.

    At its core, breast reduction surgery aims to make large breasts smaller. The surgery itself, however, has many benefits that are very appealing. The procedure reshapes the breasts to give them a more pleasing shape and appearance. In addition, large heavy breasts often sag and the nipples often point downward. Breast reduction surgery lifts the breasts to reposition the nipple areola complex as well as the breast tissue to a higher and more natural level. Large breasts often have large areolas and breast reduction surgery can reduce the areolas and make them more proportional to the overall size of the breasts. Another benefit of the procedure is that liposuction can also be performed on the sides of the breasts under the arms to remove any excess breast tissue in this area that can often overhang the top of the bra on the sides and interfere with the ability to wear sleeveless clothing.

    While there are many cosmetic and aesthetic benefits to breast reduction, the physical benefits can be even more dramatic. The physical pain and suffering that women who have large breasts have to deal with can prevent them from doing many of the physical activities that they enjoy. In fact, the pain can be significant enough to interfere with even the simplest task in their daily lives. To have relief from this chronic neck, shoulder, and back pain through breast reduction surgery can be life changing. Many of my breast reduction patients tell me that after undergoing the procedure, they are finally pain free for the first time in their lives.

    The satisfaction rate for breast reduction surgery equals or surpasses that for any other cosmetic surgery that I perform. The procedure provides physical benefits as well as cosmetic benefits and can greatly improve overall quality of life for years to come. If you would like to find out more about breast reduction surgery, call me today at (302) 656-0214 to schedule a complimentary consultation. Q6KH76AVYPYS

    Wednesday, May 26, 2010

    Plastic Surgery procedures

    Breast augmentation enhances your breast size and shape. Saline or silicone gel implants increase your breast size and improve your shape. Breast augmentation can be performed alone or with a breast lift. Our Board Certified Plastic Surgeons use a very specific technique that allows our patients to have their breast enhancement procedure on a Friday and return to work on Monday.

    Body contouring through liposuction, tummy tuck, or Brazilian butt lift, can improve your shape by eliminating bulges that are resistant to diet and exercise. UltraShape Liposuction by Lysonix is an enhanced liposuction procedure that utilizes ultrasound to safely and gently liquify fat prior to removing it. Liposuction can sometimes be performed with just a local anesthetic so you can drive your self to and from your procedure. Liposuction can be performed along with a tummy tuck to remove excess abdominal skin and flatten a muscle bulge.
    Dr. deLeeuw & Surgical Staff
    Dr. deLeeuw & Surgical Staff

    Nose reshaping provides a more balanced facial appearance. Preview your results with digital imaging. Because individual facial structure and aesthetic perception is different, each rhinoplasty is planned to compliment your features.

    Facial rejuvenation procedures restore natural, youthful fullness to your face through a variety of minimally invasive procedures. The MACS lift, which is similar to a LifeStyle lift, improves the neck, jowl and cheek area without making an incision under the chin. The MACS lift is less invasive than a traditional facelift, thus allowing for minimal discomfort and less recovery time. The MACS lift can be performed alone or in conjunction with other procedures such as an upper or lower eyelift. Eyelift removes puffiness and excess skin around the orbit. Lower lid puffiness can sometimes be treated with no external incision.

    Facial rejuvenation procedures are always enhanced by excellent skin care. Our licensed aesthetician provides skin treatments including glycolic peels, salicylic peels, the Innovative Facial by IS Clinical, and microdermabrasion. The aesthetician will also advise you on an at home skin care regime to maximize your results. Combining peels and a high quality at home program will improve your overall skin texture, reducing fine lines, hyperpigmentation and acne. Our Physician supervised skin care program provides products more effective than those available in department stores, but comparably priced.

    Aesthetic Plastic Surgery of Delaware

    Welcome to Aesthetic Plastic Surgery of Delaware, the premiere center for cosmetic surgery. Our Board Certified Plastic Surgeons provide superior results in face, breast and body contouring procedures to patients from Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland and beyond.

    Dr. deLeeuw is Board Certified in Plastic Surgery, has more than twenty years of experience and exclusively performs cosmetic procedures in our fully accredited, on site surgical facility. Dr. Lonergan is Board Certified and performs both cosmetic and reconstructive procedures. This site is dedicated to making you more informed about how cosmetic procedures can not only enhance your appearance, but also improve your self esteem. Many procedures require only weekend recovery times.