Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Body Contouring Kent County, DE

Body contouring procedures are offered in Kent County, DE, by thoroughly trained and experienced plastic surgeons.

No matter how physically fit you are, persistent fat deposits often trouble areas like the upper arms, flanks, abdomen, male breasts, hips, buttocks, thighs, or even the knees. These fat deposits often are resistant to strict diet and exercise programs. Body contouring is the ideal option to consider if you seek to improve your overall appearance. Body contouring procedures are offered in Kent County, DE, by thoroughly trained and experienced plastic surgeons.

Popular Body Contouring Procedures Include

  • Breast augmentation
  • Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty
  • Liposuction
  • Brazilian butt lift
  • For effective fat removal and skin tightening results, liposuction is a popular procedure that many people go for. You can choose from laser assisted and ultrasonic liposuction techniques. Liposuction helps redefine the shape and contour of various areas of the body by removing excess fat from troubling areas. Liposuction can at times be performed under local anesthesia, which reduces the risks associated with general anesthesia and the also reduces the recovery period. A tummy tuck followed by liposuction can remove excess fat and also tighten up the underlying muscles and skin.

    The time required to carry out a procedure and the recovery time varies according to the the area treated and the individual patient. The advances in plastic surgery have helped to minimize the risks and complications of many procedures. The most common ones are minor swelling and bruising.

    Approach a Reliable Plastic Surgeon

    When you decide to have a body contouring procedure in Kent County, DE, arrange to have an initial consultation with a surgeon who will be able to answer all your questions and help you make an informed decision. Physicians specializing in body contouring in Kent County, Delaware strive to provide excellent care and great results.

    Friday, August 27, 2010

    Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Delaware

    Aesthetic plastic surgery procedures for the face and body are available to men and women in Delaware.

    Aesthetic Plastic Surgery for the Face and Body in Delaware

    Cosmetic and plastic surgery specialists provide a wide array of procedures. For result oriented excellent outcomes, it is recommended to trust board certified plastic surgeons. An accredited surgical center with an impeccable reputation, that can provide you with reliable before and after photos that you can browse through, should be your golden standard.

    Brief Recovery Times for Many of the Procedures

    Aesthetic plastic surgery procedures are directed at preserving, restoring or improving your natural look, to achieve your aesthetic ideal. The results not only improve your appearance but reinforce or restore your self esteem and confidence. Most aesthetic plastic surgery procedures carried out in Delaware require only short recovery times – there are even weekend recovery procedures. Some examples of cosmetic plastic surgery procedures are breast augmentation, nasal surgery, liposuction, and buttock augmentation.

    Breast augmentation enhances breast size, while retaining the natural look and feel of the breasts. In breast enhancement procedures, silicone or saline implants are used. Nose reshaping is a great procedure to correct or enhance the contour of the nose, altering the shape and size to complement the face. BodyTite liposuction is a revolutionary procedure to remove excess fat from the abdomen and other areas of the body; it usually performed under local anesthesia, has a short recovery period and efficiently tightens the skin around the treated area. The Brazilian butt augmentation procedure converts insignificant and flat buttocks into prominent, youthful, and sensuous ones.

    Reconstructive Surgery also Performed

    Reconstructive plastic surgery procedures are also performed in aesthetic plastic surgery practices in Delaware, to provide patients with excellent options after an accident or other life changing experience.

    To take advantage of aesthetic plastic surgery in Delaware, one just has to schedule an appointment with a reputable provider of these services. Surgeons are always happy to answer all your questions and explain the risks and benefits to help you make an informed choice.

    Wednesday, August 18, 2010

    BodyTite - The Next Generation in Body Contouring

    Now, a new form of liposuction called BodyTite has been introduced which may significantly improve the results of liposuction and revolutionize body contouring as we know it.

    The most commonly performed cosmetic surgical procedure in the
    United States is currently liposuction. Now, a new form of liposuction called BodyTite has been introduced which may significantly improve the results of liposuction and revolutionize body contouring as we know it. BodyTite combines traditional liposuction with Radiofrequency technologies. This combination of liposuction and Radiofrequency, or Radiofrequency Assisted Liposuction (RFAL), results in up to 40% more skin tightening than other methods of liposuction. In addition, this technique also provides approximately a 30% reduction in recovery time compared with other liposuction techniques.

    BodyTite uses Radiofrequency energy to dissolve fat cells and heat the soft tissues and skin. This results in significant body tightening and recontouring. In addition, the Radiofrequency energy delivered by the BodyTite system seals blood vessels as the procedure is performed which decreases the amount of bleeding and bruising as compared to traditional liposuction methods. This results in less pain, less swelling, and a quicker recovery for patients undergoing the BodyTite procedure.

    The BodyTite system can be used on virtually any area of the body to remove excess stubborn fat and also provide significant skin contraction. Due to the excellent skin contraction that occurs with the BodyTite system, the need for excess skin excision can be eliminated in many cases. This results in smaller scars and quicker recoveries as compared to traditional excisional procedures (eg, Tummy Tucks, etc.). In addition, many BodyTite procedures take just 1 -2 hours to complete and can be performed with local anesthesia or sedation.

    The BodyTite system promises to truly revolutionize the field of liposuction and body contouring. As one of the only study sites in the country for this new technology, we are the exclusive and only providers of BodyTite in the
    Wilmington, Delaware area. Contact me today at (302) 656-0214 or info@facesandfigures.com to see how BodyTite can help you get the body you've been dreaming about.

    Thursday, August 12, 2010

    Tummy Tuck vs. Liposuction

    The two main types of procedures performed for body contouring are tummy tucks (aka abdominoplasties) and liposuction.

    Many patients that I see are often interested in body contouring but are not sure which procedures might be right for them. The two main types of procedures performed for body contouring are tummy tucks (aka abdominoplasties) and liposuction. Both of these procedures can result in significant improvements in overall body contour but there are some differences between them.

    For the most part, tummy tucks deal primarily with loose excess abdominal skin. In addition, tummy tucks often address abdominal muscular laxity. For patients who have had several pregnancies or lost substantial amounts of weight, there is often excess abdominal skin that cannot be removed by diet and exercise alone. In these cases, a tummy tuck can remove any excess loose abdominal skin, tighten abdominal muscles if needed, and give the abdomen a flatter, tighter, smoother appearance.

    Liposuction, on the other hand, mainly addresses stubborn deposits of excess body fat. These deposits can be almost anywhere on the body (eg, abdomen, arms, thighs, back, hips, etc.) and are resistant to diet and exercise. Liposuction is extremely versatile and can greatly improve overall body contour. While both the tummy tuck and liposuction procedure are excellent procedures by themselves, I will often combine these two techniques to give patients the best overall result.

    An exciting new development in my practice has been the introduction of the BodyTite Radiofrequency liposuction system. By combining liposuction with radiofrequency skin tightening, I am able to treat many patients who have excess loose abdominal skin with the BodyTite system without having to perform a tummy tuck. This results in smaller scars, less pain, and a shorter recovery for our patients.

    If you would like to learn more about body contouring or any of the procedures that I have talked about, please call us at (302) 656-0214 and we would be more than happy to answer any questions that you might have or schedule you for a consultation.

    Wednesday, August 4, 2010

    Benefits of Breast Augmentation

    Breast augmentation is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgical procedures in the United States and it has a very high patient satisfaction rate.

    This is largely because breast augmentation surgery can provide a woman with multiple benefits.

    Breast augmentation can enhance and improve the size and shape of the breasts. This can result in better overall symmetry between the breasts, improved body contour, and a more feminine look. The procedure can also minimize any breast irregularities and asymmetries and provide a more balanced overall appearance to the breasts. Breast augmentation can also restore fullness and volume which the breasts may have lost due to pregnancy, aging, or weight loss.

    Beyond the cosmetic benefits to the procedure, breast augmentation can result in improved self-confidence and self-image. Feelings of inadequacy and lack of self-confidence can occur when the actual appearance of the breasts does not correspond to a woman's desired breast size and shape. Breast augmentation can give the breasts a fuller and larger size and shape and improve overall self-image. This can result in improved overall self-esteem and self-confidence in both professional and social settings.

    In addition to the above benefits, breast augmentation can result in significantly improved clothing options and fashion styles. With improved size and shape of the breasts, clothing may fit and conform better giving an additional confidence boost to the patient. This also results in improved body image and greater self-esteem.

    There are truly many benefits to breast augmentation. If you would like to learn more about the procedure and find out if breast augmentation is right for you, call me at (302) 656-0214 to schedule a consultation today.