Innovative Surgery for Attaining Symmetrical Breasts

Implants are placed through one of four incisions: in the crease under the breast, through the areola (at the border of the colored part around the nipple), through the belly button, or through the armpit.
New surgical techniques followed make breast augmentation safe and simple. The procedure takes approximately 1-2 hours and is ideally performed in a fully accredited on site surgical suite under general anesthesia. Sometimes, local anesthesia with a sedative, also called conscious sedation, can be used. As it is an outpatient procedure, it does not involve lengthy stay in the hospital or clinic.
Find a Reliable Plastic Surgeon
It is important to discuss your concerns with an experienced plastic surgeon and understand how you can personally benefit from breast augmentation. Breast augmentation to correct breast asymmetry is now opted by many women to improve their bust line. However, as in all cosmetic procedures it is important to maintain realistic expectations.