Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ultrashape Liposuction to Improve Your Overall Appearance

Ultrashape liposuction might just be the perfect option for anyone who wants to get rid of unwanted body fat. A revolutionary liposuction device, Ultrashape is now used in many plastic surgery centers across the nation. Proven safe, comfortable and effective, this liposuction device works by emitting safe, gentle ultrasound waves to emulsify fat from different areas of the body.

UltraShape Liposuction – An Effective Solution for Men and Women

UltraShape method is equally effective for men and women. The advantage of this type of liposuction is that it is so precise and does not damage the surrounding tissue.

Areas commonly treated are:

• Arms
• Flanks
• Calves
• Jowls
• Abdomen
• Hips
• Thighs
• Knees
• Buttocks
• Male breasts

Benefits of Ultrashape Liposuction

• Measurable results
• No downtime
• Safe and simple procedure
• Long lasting results
• No major side effects
• Daily activities can be resumed immediately after the procedure

Get in Touch with an Expert Plastic Surgeon

More than one area of the body can be treated during the same session. Most patients do not feel discomfort during the procedure and harmful side effects are rare. Yet, it is important to obtain adequate information about the procedure prior to having this procedure done. So get in touch with an expert plastic surgeon and learn how Ultrashape liposuction helps to improve your overall appearance. As long as you maintain your weight within normal variation, the results are permanent.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ultrashape Liposuction - Ensures Maximum Body Sculpting Benefits

Ultrashape is a revolutionary device for fat removal, which ensures maximum body sculpting benefits. The procedure is achieving increased popularity in the US, and there are reputable plastic surgeons offering the procedure throughout the nation.

Ultrashape Liposuction Ensures Effective Fat Removal

Ultrashape liposuction procedure is known for its instant and long-lasting effects. Introduced by Lysonix, UltraShape uses safe, gentle ultrasound to liquefy fat from different areas of the body. The fat cells react to the ultrasound energy, ane break down. The technology is precise and targets only the fat cells, leaving the other tissues unharmed.

Areas commonly treated are:

• Arms
• Flanks
• Calves
• Jowls
• Abdomen
• Hips
• Thighs
• Knees
• Buttocks
• Male breasts

Ultrashape Liposuction Offers Quick Recovery

Multiple areas can be treated at the same time. The time required to complete this procedure and the recovery time varies according to the area treated and the individual patient. Because of the simple nature of the process, recovery takes lesser time and it leaves fewer scars as well. Normal activities can be resumed within a few days. Exercise can be started within a week after surgery, but you would have to wear a supportive garment.

As the fat cells are actually removed, as long as you maintain your weight within normal variation, the results are permanent. When you decide to undergo the procedure, scheduling your consultation with a reliable plastic surgeon is an important step. It is essential to choose an experienced plastic surgeon, who you feel comfortable with. Be sure to discuss all your concerns and make sure that you are a candidate for Ultrashape liposuction.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Facial Plastic Surgery in Delaware

For result-oriented excellent outcomes, it is best to approach board certified plastic surgeons.

Facial plastic surgery is aimed at restoring or improving your natural look and feel. Whether it is to correct facial imperfections, set right flaws arising from injury, or to get rid of the signs of aging, facial plastic surgery is the best option. Facial plastic surgery is performed in leading cosmetic surgery centers in Delaware. Look for a plastic surgery center in Delaware that is fully equipped with technologically advanced facilities and staffed with experienced surgeons.

Facial Plastic Surgery Procedures for a More Youthful Appearance

Many people undergo facial plastic surgery procedures each year, some of which are:

Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery) - Eyelid procedures remove excess skin and fat from the orbital area
Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery) - It is performed to enhance the size and shape of your nose in a way that complements your facial structure.
Forehead Lift (Brow Lift) - If the brow position is low, it is best to consider brow lift.
Rhytidectomy (Face Lift) - It involves the removing of excess skin, improving the positioning of the underlying fat pads, and the tightening of particular facial muscles.
MACS (Minimal Access Cranial Suspension) Lift – It is a minimally invasive procedure that dramatically rejuvenates the lower face and neck by lifting underlying tissue in an upward fashion. Only local anesthesia is required and the procedure can be completed in 1 -2 hours.

Choose an Experienced Plastic Surgeon

Whatever facial surgical procedure you are considering, schedule an appointment with a competent plastic surgeon in Delaware. An experienced plastic surgeon will work closely with you to create the desired results, answer all your questions and explain the risks and benefits to help you make an informed choice.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Cosmetic Plastic Surgery in Pennsylvania

Cosmetic plastic surgery procedures can help in preserving, restoring or improving your natural look, thus helping you achieve your cosmetic goals. Cosmetic plastic surgery procedures are offered in many plastic surgery centers in Pennsylvania, by thoroughly trained and experienced plastic surgeons. When planning to undergo cosmetic plastic surgery in Pennsylvania, approach only a board certified, experienced plastic surgeon, who can ensure realistic and customized results.

Popular Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

Given below are some of the popular cosmetic surgery procedures.

Facial rejuvenation – Facial rejuvenation procedures restore natural, youthful fullness to your face through a variety of minimally invasive procedures. MACS Lift is a minimally invasive procedure that improves the neck, jowl and cheek areas. It can be performed alone or in conjunction with other procedures such as an upper or lower eyelift for enhanced results.

Nose reshaping – Nose reshaping, also called rhinoplasty, is a procedure that improves the appearance of your nose, enhancing facial harmony. In addition to improving your facial appearance, rhinoplasty can correct obstructed breathing resulting from structural defects of the nose.

Eye lift - Eyelift removes puffiness and excess skin around the eyes.

Breast augmentation – The procedure is designed to increase the size and enhance the appearance of a woman’s breasts. Breast augmentation is normally accomplished by using implants. Saline or silicone gel implants are the implant options available.

Body contouring through liposuction and tummy tuck
– These procedures are aimed at improving your shape by removing bulges that are resistant to diet and exercise. The procedures are safe, minimally invasive and the latest technology available gives the surgeon greater control.

Brazilian butt lift – Here, liposuction is done to strategically remove fat from areas around your buttocks and tummy to sculpt and contour your buttocks.

Whatever procedure you may wish to undergo, choose a board certified plastic surgeon and be sure to have a detailed discussion. An experienced surgeon will be able to answer all your questions and guide you on your specific needs. When going for cosmetic plastic surgery in Pennsylvania, be informed regarding the procedure you opt for and be sure to maintain realistic expectations regarding the outcomes.