People want to look attractive irrespective of their age. You could be unhappy about a particular facial feature. Or, as an older person, you could be worried about sagging skin, wrinkles and a host of other issues that mar your looks. If your face is quite literally your fortune and you work in the entertainment business, these problems become all the more pertinent. The solution is, of course, to go in for
cosmetic surgery. It can help enhance your facial appeal and make you look younger in a way you never thought possible.
What Aesthetic Facial Surgery Can Do There are many cosmetic surgery procedures and each one is specially designed to enhance the appeal of a particular facial feature. Plastic surgery can improve the shape of your nose, tighten facial skin and smooth out wrinkles and hollows, and remove excess skin and fat from around your eyes to make you look younger. Popular surgical procedures that benefit both men and women are as follows:
• Rhinoplasty: This is nose surgery to enhance the shape and appearance of your nose. A nose job, as it is also called, can change nose size and width, remove humps, correct the shape of the nasal tip, reshape the nostrils, and set right nose asymmetry. A well-shaped nose improves the harmony of your facial features.
• Eyelift: Excess skin and fat around the area of your eyes can make you look tired and older than you actually are. Eyelid surgery can remove the excess fat, skin and wrinkles, relieve puffiness, and get rid of ‘bags’ under the eyes and correct droopy lower eyelids. The result is eyes that look bright and fresh.
• Brow lift: If your problem is forehead creases, frown lines and a sagging brow, your plastic surgeon would recommend a brow lift. An endoscope or surgical video device is used to perform this delicate surgery. Tiny incisions are placed within the hairline to reposition, alter or remove the skin and muscle, and lift the brows.
• Face lift: A comprehensive surgical procedure, a face lift can correct many issues such as midface sagging, creases under the lower eyelids, nasolabial folds, sagging jowls, excessive fat in the jaw and chin and so on. With a MACS lift or a mini face lift, the underlying tissues of the lower face and neck are lifted upward.
You can opt to have one or more of these procedures. Better results for facial rejuvenation are ensured when a facelift is performed in conjunction with a brow lift and eyelid surgery.
Pick the Right SurgeonWhile all these
cosmetic surgery procedures can help enhance your facial appearance, it is crucial that you pick the right surgeon for the best results. Look for a board-certified plastic surgeon practicing in an accredited plastic surgery center. A reliable surgeon will first determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure you’re interested in. Make sure that the surgeon uses the latest techniques, is experienced, and ensures comprehensive support – right from your initial consultation through your surgery and recovery.